About Us: Business-Money-Source.com

Business Money Source.com Webmaster

Hi! I am Jim Bullock, Owner of Business Money Source, LLC. I have spent the majority of my professional career, almost 3 decades, working in industrial research and development for 2 Fortune 500 companies. My accomplishments and experiences during my R & D career enabled me to develop many problem-solving and management skills.

Many engineering and technical skills are directly transferable to the financial world. One of my earlier experiences in finance was being a commercial loan broker. Several years later I held a sales position that offered merchant accounts and working capital to local businesses.

The experiences of meeting personally with small business owners gave me insight into the challenges faced by these owners and managers each day. Not the least of which was that many small and mid-sized business people are desperate to know what sound financing solutions are available to them. Many also expressed the need for someone on whom they can rely to deliver quality and objective financial information.

We also realized that there are many more business people than can possibly be reached with personal appointments. The solution to this problem provided the impetus to develop the Business-Money-Source.com website.

This is an informational website that can offer basic instruction to businesses as well as recommending funding solutions of varying degrees of complexity. Business-Money-Source.com is a no-frills, easy-to-navigate website, whose strength is in the quality of content and not “flash” or other sales gimmicks.

Keep up with the latest funding solutions and changing trends in business financing by subscribing to BM$ Success Newsletter. Just fill out the form on the left side of this page or elsewhere on the Busines-Money-Source.com website.

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P.O. Box 16096

Richmond, VA 23222

How To Contact Business Money Source

Email: info@business-money-source.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessMoneySourceLLC

Fax: 1-(804)-781-4971

Phone: (804) 396-3040

Twitter: @bizmoneysource

Best Regards,

jim bullock signature

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